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Board Meeting

Community Action Board Members

Representative of the Low-Income

District #1

Monica Hernandez


District #2

Timothy Heavin​


District #3

Juan Cruz


District #4

Daren Kortsen


District #5

Saida Mendez


Representative of the Public (Board of Supervisors)

District #1

Sandra Patterson


District #2

Yolanda Delgado


District #3

Tonia Sunseri


District #4

Mel Tungate


District #5

Adam Mendoza

Representative of the Private Sector

District #1

Ellen LatinenChair 


District #2

Jessica WohlanderSecretary


District #3

Christy EggersCo-Chair


District #4

Shannan Matthews


District #5

Jose, Fernandez

Youth ad hoc Committee

District #1

Gabriella Romero


District #2



District #3



District #4



District #5



Ending Poverty by Empowering People

About Community Action Agencies

The Community Action Board (CAB) is the advisory board to San Benito County Community Services & Workforce Development (CSWD). Through surveys, focus groups and community input, the CAB will assess the needs of the community and apply for various grants in order to provide services to low-to moderate-income residents of San Benito County. We are pleased to share services that may assist you during your time of need. 


The Community Action Plan (CAP) Serves as a two (2) year roadmap demonstrating how Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) agencies plan to deliver CSBG services. The CAP identifies and assesses poverty related needs and resources in the community and establishes a detailed plan, goals and priorities for delivering those services to individuals and families most affected by poverty. CSBG funds may be used to support activities that assist low-income families and individuals, homeless families and individuals, migrant or seasonal farm workers and elderly low-income individuals and families by removing obstacles and solving problems that block the achievement of self-sufficiency. Community Action Plans must comply with Organization Standard and State and Federal laws, as outlined below:


As described in the Office of Community Services (OCS) information Memorandum (IM) #138 dated January 26, 2015, CSBG agencies will comply with implementation of the Organizational Standards. CSD has identified Organizational Standards that provide guidance for the development of the comprehensive Community Needs Assessment.


As required by the CSBG Act, Public Law 105-285, States are required to submit a state plan as a condition to receive funding. Information provided in the CAP by agencies in included in California's State Plan. Alongside Organizational Standards, the State will be reporting on State Accountability Measures in order to ensure accountability and improve program performance.


Public Law 105-285, s. 676(b) establishes federal assurances agencies are to comply with. Community Services Development (CSD), in its state plan submission, provides narrative describing how the agencies in California will comply with the assurances. By completing and submitting the CAP, our agencies certifies that it will comply with all Federal Assurances and any other laws, rules, and statutes in the performance of the activities funded through this grant.


National Community Action Partnership

CAB Video/Training Links

All A-Board

Access all 9

New member training videos

1. Purpose

Why are you here?

Explore the reasons why people become CAA board members, including what it means to be a board member who is Capable, Accountable, Representative, and Engaged (C.A.R.E) in the context of community action.

2. People

Getting People on the Board

Learn how to effectively identify and recruit engaged, active individuals to serve as CAA board members – it’s all in the N.A.M.E. It’s about the board’s Needs, a potential board member’s Attributes, the organization’s Mission, and communicating Expectations.

3. Process

Who Says What Goes?

Tonya is a new CAA board member who has just received a whistleblower complaint from a CAA employee. Follow her journey as she discovers the key aspects of a CAA’s board operations—how the board communicates and makes decisions, the board’s role in developing organizational policies, and the framework governing board actions.

4. Purpose

In Boards We Trust

Understand the great responsibility of being a board member through the lens of the duty of loyalty: each board member’s obligation to place the interests of the CAA before their personal interests. Learn how to identify and address conflicts of interest, whether they be good, bad, or ugly.

5. People

Staying a-Board 5 Ways to Engage and Retain Board Members

Join late-night talk show host Carlton Caplaw and renowned band leader Carmen Alto as they discuss five practices that CAPLAW has found to be the hallmarks of engaged and committed boards: educating board members, communicating openly, requiring participation, continually enforcing policies, and making it fun.

6. Process

The CAA Board Meeting Ecosystem

Discover the wonder of the CAA board meeting ecosystem and how board members navigate survival in a world of compliance and governance responsibilities. Follow one group’s use of a consent agenda to save time and resources at a board meeting, and allow for in-depth analysis and discussion of important issues, such as strategic planning and development priorities.

7. Purpose

Duty of Care

This video investigates the fiduciary duty of care that CAA board members owe to the organization they serve. It identifies the source of the obligation for public and private CAAs and provides examples of how board members can fulfill that obligation. It also highlights the importance of written minutes and discusses how board committees can help the board meet its duty of care in an efficient, effective way.

8. People

The Roles & Responsibilities of theCAA Board Chair

This video examines the roles and responsibilities of a CAA board chair. It highlights the vital leadership the board chair provides to the board and emphasizes the importance of the chair/executive director relationship to a vibrant, healthy organization. Join us again in the studio as late-night talk show host Carlton Caplaw and renowned band leader Carmen Alto speak with City CAA Board Chair Lou Rocker about his experiences.

9. Process

Terms & Term Limits

Like pruning a plant to encourage growth and fruitfulness, a CAA board of directors can implement requirements to facilitate turnover and help keep itself fresh and energized. Establishing terms for board service and a limit on the number of terms a board member may serve are two such requirements. Join us as we turn again to the world of nature to discuss how board member terms and term limits have served a particular CAA’s board. Observe the board’s reasons for implementing terms and term limits, relevant sources of law and guidance, and how the transition works practically.

The Community Action Network

Intro to Roma

National Goals

How to Spread the Word

What is an Info Sheet

What's the deal with Lobbying?

Organizational Standards

Key Board Responsibilities -

Use Mission

Key Board Responsibilities - 

Update Mission

Legal Requirements


Role of the Tripartite Board - Duty of Care

Community Action Network Online Resource Tour

Community Level Work Part

COVID-19 Thanks You


Community Action Board

© 2021 by Community Action Board of San Benito County

Contact Us

1161 San Felipe Road, Bldg B

Hollister, CA 95023


(831) 637-9293

(831) 634-0785 Fax

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